Membership Faq

We want to make sure you have all the information you need. Here are answers to the questions we hear most often but if you don’t find what you're looking for, hit us up and we'll be happy to help you out. Let's get to it!

I'm new to the gym and not sure what to do. Will you help me?

When you join Flex Fitness, you’ll receive an initial induction from a member of the team. This will help orient you to the environment and equipment. Our MyFlex app - free for all members - also provides a range of exercise programmes, information on equipment use, and tips/techniques for training.

What if I want to cancel my membership?

Cancellation within your membership term will incur a maximum cancellation fee of $250 or 25% of your remaining balance, whichever is less. Your membership will remain active, and all due payments will continue, until the early cancellation fee and/or any amounts owing have been paid in full.

How much does it cost to go to Flex Fitness?

We offer a range of different membership options and pricing, and these vary by club. Submit your information here, selecting the club of your choice, to see a few of their most popular membership options.

What happens to my membership if I want to go on holiday or get sick?

At the discretion of the gym, a member may ‘suspend’ or put their membership on hold for a maximum of three months for travel, or illness. The club may request a medical certificate, especially if the suspension required is for longer than the maximum three-month period. Suspending your membership for a long holiday is again at the discretion of the club but does not apply to short trips. A suspension fee may apply.

Are there group fitness/classes?

The majority of Flex Fitness clubs offer group fitness but these can be structured differently. We recommend contacting the club you’re interested in joining to speak with the team about their group fitness offering.

Can I buy a casual or day pass?

Yes, all clubs offer casual and day passes for non-members. You can enquire about options and prices directly with the club you’re planning to visit.

Can I use other Flex Fitness Clubs?

Yes. As a member of Flex Fitness you can use any Flex Fitness club around the country. Your 24 hour access key will work at any Flex Fitness gym and your membership information will be shared with the club you are using.

Can I bring a friend with me?

No. Flex Fitness offers individual memberships only. Using your access card to bring a friend into the club is a breach of your membership agreement and will incur a penalty. If you have a friend who would like to join, they can visit us during staffed hours to take a look at the facilities and talk with one of our friendly team about the membership that best suits them.

How does your 24 hour access work?

Each new member receives a 24 hour access keytag upon joining Flex Fitness. There are two access points at which you must swipe your keytag - one to enter and one to exit the gym. You must use your access tag each time you enter or exit the gym, even during staffed hours.

What safety measures are in place outside staffed hours?

Flex Fitness has 24-hour surveillance cameras operating at all times. There are panic alarms located on the walls around the gym and in each room, including bathrooms/changing rooms for emergencies. Panic pendants are also available and can be worn around your neck for added security/safety.

Still have a question?

Your local club will be best placed to answer your next questions, click below to message them directly.