Hey there, I'm a Personal Trainer with a dedication to helping people achieve their fitness goals. My training philosophy is centered around developing a well-balanced body that's both strong enough to play and healthy enough to last a lifetime, with a focus on holistic wellness. Feeling good is the ultimate goal of fitness and I love working with my clients to build sustainable habits to help them achieve this. If you're ready to become the best version of yourself, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

  • Strength & Mobility
  • Body Recomposition
  • Functional Fitness
  • ATG Programming
Pt ChevalierCole Davey

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 10am - 7pm

Tuesday: 10am - 7pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Friday: 10am - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Sunday: Unstaffed

the team

Scott Smith

Scott Smith

Personal Trainer + GF Coach
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Toni Alston

Toni Alston

Club Manager
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Jade Vaipa-Pergler

Jade Vaipa-Pergler

Personal Trainer
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Skyla Joy

Skyla Joy

Personal Trainer + GF Coach
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Jake Maroroa

Jake Maroroa

Expert Boxing and Strength coach
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Cole Davey | Flex Pt Chevalier

Get in touch

1179 Great North Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland 1022
09 869 6112
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