Emma Gabrielsen

Hi, I’m Emma!  A Personal Trainer and Level Up Coach here at Flex Fitness Rangiora.

With a decade of experience in the fitness scene, I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of people transform their lives through personal and team training. I’ve worked along side sports teams, I’ve travelled the country leveling up other coaches in human movement and became a Certified Pre and Postnatal Coach since becoming a mother myself. I’ve eagerly delved into this specialised knowledge, soaking up every bit of information to better support and guide women on their fitness journeys.

Get ready to embrace the beauty of your body’s strength, with me supporting you.

I cannot wait to meet and get to know everyone who joins our Rangiora community

  • Female Specific Coaching
  • Pre & Post Natal
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Level 4 Certificate in Personal Training
  • Bronze & Silver ZUU Certification
  • Qualified Pre & Post Natal Coach
RangioraEmma Gabrielsen

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 9am - 7pm

Tuesday: 9am - 7pm

Wednesday: 9am - 7pm

Thursday: 9am - 7pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

Saturday: 9am - 2pm

Sunday: 9am - 2pm

the team

Emily Winter

Emily Winter

Group Fitness Instructor
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Morgan Parker

Morgan Parker

Group Fitness Instructor
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Ashley Riley

Ashley Riley

Group Fitness Coach
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Shannon Terry

Shannon Terry

Personal Trainer
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Madeline Walt

Madeline Walt

Club Manager
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Louis Roach

Louis Roach

Head Coach
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Emma Gabrielsen | Flex Rangiora

Get in touch

12 High Street, Rangiora, 7400
021 581 598
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