Having experienced my own health & fitness journey, I want to support & give back to the community by sharing my knowledge & past experiences. I have a background in weight loss & strength gain. I have a strong passion for helping others create healthy habits, create positive mindsets to feel confident within themselves. I like to lead by example & believe that everyone is capable of achieving goals with the right guidance - "You can't change the past but you can change your future". I enjoy being active in & outside of the gym. Fishing is a hobby of mine plus I love spending time with family & friends.

  • Strength training
  • Powerlifting
  • Weight loss
MorrinsvilleTalya Berry

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 10am - 7pm

Tuesday: 10am - 7pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Friday: 10am - 4pm

Saturday: 9am - 12pm

Sunday: Unstaffed

the team

Grace Mcquoid

Grace Mcquoid

Group Fitness Coach + PT
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Kaya Maaka

Kaya Maaka

Group Fitness Coach
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Claudia Harrop

Claudia Harrop

Group Fitness Coach
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Ariel Ting

Ariel Ting

Membership Consultant
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Steve Akauola

Steve Akauola

Owner + Trainer
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Jordan Akauola

Jordan Akauola

Owner + Manager
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Talya Berry | Flex Morrinsville

Get in touch

241 Thames Street, Morrinsville, Waikato 3300
07 889 3337
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