Proud Partners of the NZ Team

Eliza McCartney - what does it mean to compete?


For some people competing is about power, speed & winning! For Eliza, competing is more of an "expression of self", a joyful occasion to showcase what she has been working on.

This is true for thousands of Kiwis who exercise every day. We work on our physical and mental health to enable us to show up at work or home with the confidence to perform better.

Eliza's consistency and ability to approach her craft in a more serious/technical manner has taken her far. She won Olympic Bronze in Rio, and Silver at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. Her attention to detail and commitment is key.

Eliza's 2 key principles we can apply in our journeys:

1. Competing can be a joyful expression of self.

2. Technical focus equals optimum results.

We wish Eliza and all New Zealand Team members the best of luck for Paris 2024!

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