Josh Achten

I am a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer here at Flex Fitness Hastings. I have a passion for helping people achieve their goals and creating sustainable balanced lifestyles. My love for food and fitness started at a young age when I was competing in road cycling at a UCI continental level overseas. This experience motivated me to pursue a career in health and wellness where I strive to help my clients achieve long-term success. I believe in taking a holistic and evidence-based approach. This means that I consider all aspects of my client's lives to develop a personalised plan that is tailored to your unique needs. Growing up here in the Bay I love the sun, the ocean and chasing the surf.

  • Complete nutrition advice and diet prescription
  • Metabolism & Hormone Balance
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Fat Loss & Muscle Hypertrophy
HastingsJosh Achten

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 10am - 7pm

Tuesday: 10am - 7pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Friday: 10am - 3pm

Saturday: 9am - 1pm

Sunday: Unstaffed

the team

Jack Facer

Jack Facer

Personal Trainer + GF Coach
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Connor Wadley

Connor Wadley

Personal Trainer
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Jaimee Riach

Jaimee Riach

Personal Trainer
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Ruan De Lange

Ruan De Lange

Personal Trainer
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Mike Chiappa

Mike Chiappa

Personal Trainer
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Christy Winiata

Christy Winiata

Personal Trainer
View more +

Josh Achten | Flex Hastings

Get in touch

201 Eastbourne Street West, Hastings
06 876 3942
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