Nerissa White

Are you looking to get stronger both mentally and physically? Are you struggling to break through frustrating plateaus with your training? Well, I’m here to help! I have a passion for all things strength and I specialise in Powerlifting Coaching. I Adore watching my clients grow stronger both mentally and physically, and achieving things they never thought were possible. I Have been lifting for 14 years and competing for IPF and coaching For over 3 Years. I have coached a Number of novice athletes all the way through to a national level during this time. My Philosophy with training is well rounded and realistic. So whether your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, get crazy strong or even fix any imbalances you have be it for sport or just everyday life, I’d Love to help you be the best version of you. Strong, Fit & Powerful.

  • Strength/Powerlifting
  • Building Muscle
  • Fat Loss
  • Imbalances / Injury Rehabilitation
  • Nutritional Advice / Meal plans
  • NASM Level 4 Personal Training Certified
  • IPF Powerlifting Coach
  • First Aid Certificate
  • REPS Registered
PrebbletonNerissa White

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 9am - 7pm

Tuesday: 9am - 7pm

Wednesday: 9am - 7pm

Thursday: 9am - 7pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

Saturday: 9am - 12pm

Sunday: Unstaffed

the team

Rachel Scott

Rachel Scott

Personal Trainer
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Bronwyn Harris

Bronwyn Harris

Personal Trainer
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Erin Manson

Erin Manson

Club Manager
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Clint Kohl

Clint Kohl

Personal Trainer
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Katelyn Moore

Katelyn Moore

Personal Trainer
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Nerissa White | Flex Prebbleton

Get in touch

563 Springs Road, Prebbleton 7604
021 862 403
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