Lucy Sidwell

I’m Lucy! I am currently completing my degree in Sports Science and Human Performance at Wintec. I have a huge passion for sport and training as it has always been a big part of my life. Over the last few years, I have been exploring other areas in coaching and training which I am loving, alongside continuing to play my own sports. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and am excited to make my contribution to the Flex Fitness Community through my roles as a Sales and Membership Consultant.

CambridgeLucy Sidwell

find us

Staffed hours

Monday: 10am - 7pm

Tuesday: 10am - 7pm

Wednesday: 10am - 7pm

Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Friday: 10am - 2pm

Saturday: 9am - 12pm

Sunday: Unstaffed

the team

Tyrah Rowland

Tyrah Rowland

Personal Trainer
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Natalya Dalley

Natalya Dalley

Personal Trainer + Nutritionist
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Megan Rider

Megan Rider

Group Training Coach
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Cindy Clark

Cindy Clark

Group Fitness Co-Ordinator
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Hannah McNutt

Hannah McNutt

Owner + Group Training Coach
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Caroline Webbon

Caroline Webbon

Personal Trainer
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Braityn Callaghan

Braityn Callaghan

Club Manager
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Lucy Sidwell | Flex Cambridge

Get in touch

8/1913 Cambridge Road, Cambridge 3434
027 813 4400 - 07 444 4017
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